37 questions match this year. View the archive for more.
United States
Acquiring nuclear-powered submarines
Are you in favour or against Australia acquiring nuclear-powered submarines?
Relations in the Indo-Pacific
Australia’s best friend in Asia
Which one of the following countries is Australia’s best friend in Asia?
Australian foreign policy
Australia’s response to the war in Ukraine
Thinking about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, would you support or oppose Australia:
Relations in the Indo-Pacific
China: economic partner or security threat
In your own view, is China more of an economic partner or more of a security threat to Australia?
United States
Confidence in world leaders
How much confidence you have in the following leader to do the right thing regarding world affairs?
United States
Feelings towards other nations
The ‘feelings thermometer’ measures Australians’ warmth towards other countries and territories on a scale of 0° (coldest feelings) to 100° (warmest feelings), with each score reflecting the mean of responses.
Australian foreign policy
Potential federal government policies on climate change
Would you support or oppose the following federal government policies?
Australian foreign policy
Support for free trade
Overall, do you personally think free trade is good or bad for each of the following:
Relations in the Indo-Pacific
Threats to Australia’s vital interests
Do you see the following possible threat as a critical threat, an important but not critical threat, or not an important threat to Australia’s vital interests in the next ten years?
Relations in the Indo-Pacific
US alliance: effect
I am now going to read you some different arguments about the alliance relationship with the United States. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree.
United States
Thinking now about Australia’s partnerships in the world. Do you think AUKUS, the security partnership between Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom, will make Australia/our region more safe, less safe or make no difference?
Australian foreign policy
Budget priorities
Now about the federal budget. If you were making up the budget for the federal government this year, would you personally increase spending, decrease spending or keep spending about the same for:
Australia and the Pacific
Foreign aid to the Pacific
Thinking specifically about foreign aid to Pacific Island nations. Would you personally be in favour or against Australia providing aid for the following purpose:
Relations in the Indo-Pacific
Foreign military based in Australia
Are you personally in favour or against Australia allowing the United States to base military forces here in Australia?
Immigration and refugees
Immigration after Covid-19
Thinking now about the pause in Australia’s immigration during the pandemic. Now that borders have reopened, over the next 12 months, do you think the number of immigrants allowed into Australia should be:
Relations in the Indo-Pacific
Potential Chinese military base in the Pacific
To what extent are you concerned or not concerned about China potentially opening a military base in a Pacific Islands country?
Relations in the Indo-Pacific
Potential military conflict between China and the United States
In the event of a military conflict between China and United States, please say which one of the following statements comes closest to your own personal view.
United States
The Quad
Do you think the Quad, the partnership between Australia, India, Japan and the United States, will make Australia/our region more safe, less safe or make no difference?
Security and defence
Acquiring nuclear weapons
Would you be in favour or against Australia acquiring nuclear weapons in the future?
Asked inUnited States
Australia’s best friend in the world
Which one of the following countries is Australia’s best friend in the world?
Australian foreign policy
Australia’s foreign policy priorities
Which of the following should be the highest priority for the federal government’s foreign policy?
Asked inGlobal powers and world leaders
Democracies around the world
Here is a list of countries and territories. For each one, please indicate whether you agree or disagree that the country or territory is a democracy.
United States
Foreign influence in Australian politics
Are you personally concerned or not concerned about the influence of each of the following countries on Australia’s political processes?
United States
Global responses to Covid-19
Overall, how well or badly do you think each of the following countries have handled the Covid-19 pandemic so far?
Australian foreign policy
Now on globalisation. Do you believe that globalisation, especially the increasing connections of our economy with others around the world, is mostly good or mostly bad for Australia?
Immigration and refugees
Immigration and national identity
Next, indicate whether the first statement or the second statement comes closer to your own views, even if neither is exactly right:
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
To what extent are you concerned or not concerned about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?
Asked inGlobal powers and world leaders
Tensions in the Australia-France relationship
Which country is more to blame for the tensions in the Australia–France relationship?
Asked in