31 questions match this year. View the archive for more.
United States
Confidence in world leaders
How much confidence you have in the following leader to do the right thing regarding world affairs?
Australian foreign policy
Energy policy priorities
Now thinking about Australia’s energy policy, including electricity and gas. Which one of the following goals do you personally think should be the main priority for the federal government?
United States
Feelings towards other nations
The ‘feelings thermometer’ measures Australians’ warmth towards other countries and territories on a scale of 0° (coldest feelings) to 100° (warmest feelings), with each score reflecting the mean of responses.
Immigration and refugees
Immigration rate
Do you personally think that the total number of migrants coming to Australia each year is too high, too low or about right?
Australian foreign policy
Support for free trade
Overall, do you personally think free trade is good or bad for each of the following:
Relations in the Indo-Pacific
Threats to Australia’s vital interests
Do you see the following possible threat as a critical threat, an important but not critical threat, or not an important threat to Australia’s vital interests in the next ten years?
Relations in the Indo-Pacific
US alliance: effect
I am now going to read you some different arguments about the alliance relationship with the United States. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree.
Australian foreign policy
Budget priorities
Now about the federal budget. If you were making up the budget for the federal government this year, would you personally increase spending, decrease spending or keep spending about the same for:
United States
Australia’s best friend in the world
Which one of the following countries is Australia’s best friend in the world?
Global powers and world leaders
Democracies around the world
Here is a list of countries and territories. For each one, please indicate whether you agree or disagree that the country or territory is a democracy.
Australian foreign policy
Now on globalisation. Do you believe that globalisation, especially the increasing connections of our economy with others around the world, is mostly good or mostly bad for Australia?
Immigration and refugees
Attitudes to immigration
Thinking about immigration to Australia. Please say whether you personally agree or disagree with each of the following statements about immigration:
Security and defence
Attitudes to Indonesia
I am now going to read out a number of statements about Indonesia. For each one please say whether you personally agree or disagree.
Australia and the Pacific
Attitudes to Papua New Guinea
Now a question about Papua New Guinea. Please say whether you personally agree or disagree with each of the following statements.
Australian foreign policy
Australia in the Pacific
Please say whether you personally agree or disagree with each of the following statements:
Asked inGlobal powers and world leaders
Australian views of Brexit
Now a question about the United Kingdom and its vote to leave the European Union. Do you personally think the United Kingdom leaving the European Union will be a good thing or a bad thing for:
Asked inImmigration and refugees
Border protection and Australia’s reputation
In your view, do Australia’s border protection policies help, hurt or make no difference to its international reputation?
Asked inForeign aid
Effect of foreign aid
Despite an general aversion to spending more on aid, most Australians have positive views on the role of aid in Australia’s international relations. A majority (70%) say that giving foreign aid helps Australia’s relations with other countries. They are divided as to whether foreign aid helps or makes no difference to Australia’s national security (44% each). A sizeable minority (39%) say that foreign aid hurts Australia’s economy, while a third (32%) say it makes no difference.
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Elections and foreign policy
Which major party would do a better job of handling the following foreign policy issues?
Foreign technology in Australia
What should the government prioritise when considering which foreign companies should be allowed to supply new technology for important services in Australia?
Asked inRelations in the Indo-Pacific
Relations with superpowers
Should the Australian government prioritise the United States or China, even if it may harm relations with the other?
Asked inDemocracy
Satisfaction with democracy in Australia
On the whole, are you very satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied or not at all satisfied with the way democracy works in Australia?
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