23 questions match this tag. View the archive for more.
United States
US presidential elections: Democrats vs Republicans
Which candidate would you prefer to see become president of the United States?
United States
Confidence in world leaders
How much confidence you have in the following leader to do the right thing regarding world affairs?
United States
Feelings towards other nations
The ‘feelings thermometer’ measures Australians’ warmth towards other countries and territories on a scale of 0° (coldest feelings) to 100° (warmest feelings), with each score reflecting the mean of responses.
Security and defence
Labor government report card
Now thinking about Australian politics. What mark out of ten would you personally give the Labor government in Canberra for its performance in handling each of the following issues — with 10 meaning it has done an excellent job, 5 an average job and 0 a very poor job?
Relations in the Indo-Pacific
Threats to Australia’s vital interests
Do you see the following possible threat as a critical threat, an important but not critical threat, or not an important threat to Australia’s vital interests in the next ten years?
Questions from previous years
Australian foreign policy
Budget priorities
Now about the federal budget. If you were making up the budget for the federal government this year, would you personally increase spending, decrease spending or keep spending about the same for:
Australia and the Pacific
Foreign aid to the Pacific
Thinking specifically about foreign aid to Pacific Island nations. Would you personally be in favour or against Australia providing aid for the following purpose:
United States
Global responses to Covid-19
Overall, how well or badly do you think each of the following countries have handled the Covid-19 pandemic so far?
Australian foreign policy
Now on globalisation. Do you believe that globalisation, especially the increasing connections of our economy with others around the world, is mostly good or mostly bad for Australia?
Australian foreign policy
Australia’s reputation overseas
Now a question about Australia’s reputation overseas. Do you think each of the following factors have had a positive or negative influence on Australia’s reputation overseas?
Asked inChina
China’s economic future
Now about China. Please tell me which statement most closely matches your own opinion about China’s economy in the next five years.
China’s system of government
Thinking about the way China has handled the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak, are you more or less favourable towards China’s system of government?
Asked inCovid-19 pandemic
Global cooperation during crises
How has the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak changed your view, if at all, on global responses to international crises?
Asked inUnited States
Global power in the post-crisis period
The world is currently going through a severe health and economic crisis. When the world recovers from this crisis do you think each of the following will be more powerful, less powerful or will they be just as powerful as they were before the crisis?
Covid-19 pandemic
Response of authorities to Covid-19
Thinking now about the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak. Are you confident or not confident that each of the following is doing a good job responding to the coronavirus outbreak?
Asked inCovid-19 pandemic
Sources of information during Covid-19
During the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak, which of the following do you prefer as your source of information? (up to three choices)
Asked inCovid-19 pandemic
Willingness to travel
Thinking about when the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak is contained in the future, are you more or less likely to travel overseas than you were prior to the outbreak?
Asked inUnited States
2016 US presidential election
The United States’ presidential election will be held in November this year. Which candidate would you prefer to see become president of the United States?
Asked inUnited States
Global risk priorities for Australia
Do you see the following as a high, moderate, low or no risk to Australia’s security in the next ten years?
Asked inEconomy and trade
Australia and the financial crisis
Thinking now about the current global economic crisis. For each of the following do you personally think it was a major reason, a minor reason or not a reason why Australia managed to avoid falling into recession.
Asked inSecurity and defence
Worry about threats
How worried are you about the following potential threats from the outside world.