36 questions match this year. View the archive for more.
United States
Feelings towards other nations
The ‘feelings thermometer’ measures Australians’ warmth towards other countries and territories on a scale of 0° (coldest feelings) to 100° (warmest feelings), with each score reflecting the mean of responses.
Relations in the Indo-Pacific
Foreign military based in Australia
Are you personally in favour or against Australia allowing the United States to base military forces here in Australia?
Global powers and world leaders
Democracies around the world
Here is a list of countries and territories. For each one, please indicate whether you agree or disagree that the country or territory is a democracy.
Relations in the Indo-Pacific
Good relations with the US and China
Is it possible to have good relations with both the United States and China?
Relations in the Indo-Pacific
Military action under ANZUS
Under what circumstances should Australia act in accordance with our military alliance with the United States?
Relations in the Indo-Pacific
Relations with superpowers: US and China
Is Australia’s relationship with China or the United States more important to Australia?
Security and defence
Attitudes to Indonesia
I am now going to read out a number of statements about Indonesia. For each one please say whether you personally agree or disagree.
Australian foreign policy
Elections and foreign policy
Which major party would do a better job of handling the following foreign policy issues?
Security and defence
Air strikes on Iran’s nuclear program
Are you personally in favour or against the use of military air strikes on Iran to stop its attempts to develop nuclear weapons? Is that strongly or somewhat?
Immigration and refugees
Attention on the asylum seeker issue
Is the right amount of attention being given to the issue of asylum seekers?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australia after the UN Security Council
Will Australia’s time on the United Nations Security Council will give Australia a lot more influence, a little more influence, or make no difference to Australia’s influence in the world?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australia and the Anglosphere
Thinking about Australia’s foreign relations, are you personally in favour or against the government putting a special emphasis on the countries belonging to the Anglosphere?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australia in the UN Security Council
Will Australia’s time on the United Nations Security Council will be good for Australia, bad for Australia, or make no difference?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australian policy towards Asia
What do you personally think about the current Australian government’s emphasis on Asia in terms of Australia’s foreign policy?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australian responses to Asia’s growth
As the Asian region grows and becomes more significant, do you personally think it is very important, somewhat important or not important for the Australian government to do each of the following in response?
Security and defence
Costs and benefits of war in Afghanistan
All in all, considering the costs to Australia versus the benefits to Australia, do you personally think the war in Afghanistan has been worth fighting, or not worth fighting?
Asked inClimate change and energy
Emissions Trading Scheme legislation
Thinking now about the legislation the Gillard Labor government passed last year introducing a fixed price on carbon that will then lead to an Emissions Trading Scheme. Are you personally in favour or against this legislation? Is that strongly or somewhat?
Australian foreign policy
Government spending on defence
I am now going to read you three statements about Australian government spending on Defence. Please say which statement comes closest to your own personal view about government spending on Defence.
Asked inSecurity and defence
Government’s response to terrorism
Now about government responses to terrorism. Since 9/11 and the Bali bombings, Australia has been trying to stop terrorist attacks against its citizens. Please say which one of the following statements you personally agree with most:
Asked inEconomy and trade
Importance of Australia in the G20
Do you personally think it is important or not important for Australia to be part of organisations or groups like the G20?
Asked inUnited States
Most important economies to Australia
Thinking about the economies of the United States, China and Japan, which one do you think is the most important to Australia at the moment? Which one is the second most important?
Climate change and energy
Removal of Emissions Trading Scheme
And if a Liberal Nationals Coalition government is elected at the next Federal election, would you personally be in favour or against that Coalition government removing the Emissions Trading Scheme set up by the Gillard Labor Government? Is that strongly or somewhat?
Australian foreign policy
Sources of international news
Firstly about where you get your own information about international news. For each of the following please tell me if you use this source often, sometimes or never to get international news?
Relations in the Indo-Pacific
The world’s leading superpower
Will China replace the United States as the world’s leading superpower?
Asked inImmigration and refugees
Unauthorised asylum seekers
Are you concerned about unauthorised asylum seekers coming to Australia by boat?
United States
US military base in Australia
Are you personally in favour or against Australia allowing the United States to base US military forces here in Australia?
Immigration and refugees
Views of offshore processing
And are you personally in favour or against the offshore processing of unauthorised asylum seekers? And is that strongly or somewhat?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Views on Wikileaks
Thinking now about the WikiLeaks website that publishes classified documents. Do you personally think the job WikiLeaks does is more of a good thing or more of a bad thing