41 questions match this year. View the archive for more.
United States
US presidential elections: Democrats vs Republicans
Which candidate would you prefer to see become president of the United States?
United States
Feelings towards other nations
The ‘feelings thermometer’ measures Australians’ warmth towards other countries and territories on a scale of 0° (coldest feelings) to 100° (warmest feelings), with each score reflecting the mean of responses.
Economy and trade
Foreign acquisitions of farmland
Are you personally in favour or against the Australian government allowing foreign companies to buy Australian farmland?
Security and defence
Air strikes on Iran’s nuclear program
Are you personally in favour or against the use of military air strikes on Iran to stop its attempts to develop nuclear weapons? Is that strongly or somewhat?
Australian foreign policy
Australian responses to Asia’s growth
As the Asian region grows and becomes more significant, do you personally think it is very important, somewhat important or not important for the Australian government to do each of the following in response?
Climate change and energy
Emissions Trading Scheme legislation
Thinking now about the legislation the Gillard Labor government passed last year introducing a fixed price on carbon that will then lead to an Emissions Trading Scheme. Are you personally in favour or against this legislation? Is that strongly or somewhat?
Climate change and energy
Removal of Emissions Trading Scheme
And if a Liberal Nationals Coalition government is elected at the next Federal election, would you personally be in favour or against that Coalition government removing the Emissions Trading Scheme set up by the Gillard Labor Government? Is that strongly or somewhat?
United States
2012 US presidential election
The United States’ presidential election will be held in November this year. Which candidate would you prefer to see become president of the United States?
Asked inUnited States
2012 US presidential election: better candidate for Australia
Of these two US Presidential candidates, which one do you personally think would be better from Australia’s perspective: Barack Obama the Democrat candidate or Mitt Romney if he is the Republican candidate?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australia and New Zealand merger
If Australia and New Zealand joined to become a single country, do you think this would be good for both countries, good for Australia but bad for New Zealand, good for New Zealand but bad for Australia, or bad for both countries?
Asked inEconomy and trade
Australia and the financial crisis
Thinking now about the current global economic crisis. For each of the following do you personally think it was a major reason, a minor reason or not a reason why Australia managed to avoid falling into recession.
Asked inAustralia and the Pacific
Broadcast services in the region
And are you personally in favour or against the Australian government funding broadcast services or other programs to communicate with people from countries in our region, with the aim of improving relations with those countries?
Asked inChina
China as the leading power in Asia
Please say whether you agree or disagree that China will become the leading power in Asia or, do you think it already is the leading power in Asia?
Asked inChina
Comfort with China leading Asia
You think China will become the leading power in Asia. Please say whether you are very comfortable, somewhat comfortable, somewhat uncomfortable or very uncomfortable about this.
Climate change and energy
Concern about climate change
Since the climate change debate began in Australia, have you personally become more concerned or less concerned about climate change than you were when the debate began in Australia, or, have you not changed your mind at all?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Continued military involvement in Afghanistan
Should Australia continue to be involved militarily in Afghanistan?
Security and defence
Costs and benefits of war in Iraq
In overall terms, do you personally agree or disagree that the war in Iraq was worth the costs for Australia? Is that strongly or somewhat?
Asked inImmigration and refugees
Criteria for new migrants
Please say whether you personally think each of the following is an important criteria or not an important criteria for determining which migrants should be allowed to come to Australia to live
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Economic integration with New Zealand
In your opinion, has economic integration between Australia and New Zealand gone too far, not far enough or is it about right?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Exporting uranium to India
Are you personally in favour or against Australia selling uranium to India? Is that strongly or somewhat?
Asked inDemocracy
Importance of human rights in Australia
And now I will ask you about the United Nations and human rights. The United Nations has set out a number of human rights that it says apply to all people throughout the world. I am going to read you a few of these. For each one, please say whether you personally agree or disagree that it is important for you here in Australia. And is that strongly or partly?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Importance of positive views of Australia
And now about Australia’s relationships with people from other countries in our region. Do you personally think it is important or not important for Australia to be seen in a positive light by people from countries in our region?
Asked inImmigration and refugees
Important criteria for new migrants
Which one is the most important criteria for determining which migrants should be allowed to come to Australia to live?
Asked inUnited States
Important security partners for Australia
Which country do you personally think will be Australia’s most important security partner over the next 10 years?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Joint Australian and New Zealand dollar
Do you support or oppose the New Zealand and Australian dollars being replaced by a joint ANZAC dollar?
Asked inUnited States
Other important security partners for Australia
Which country do you personally think will be Australia’s second-most important security partner over the next 10 years?
Asked inChina
Reasons against foreign investment from China
Do you agree or disagree this is a reason as to why the Australian government is allowing too much investment from China?
Asked inClimate change and energy
Reasons for opposing an emissions trading scheme
You said you were against the legislation. For each one of the following please say whether you agree or disagree it is a reason why you personally are against the legislation:
Asked inChina
Reasons for reducing Chinese investment
Why do you think Australia should have less Chinese investment?
Asked inUnited States
Regional views on US soldiers in Darwin
If China or Indonesia objected, would you be in favour or against allowing more US soldiers than the 2,500 limit to be based in Australia?
Asked inAustralia and the Pacific
Restarting dialogue with Fiji
Would you now personally be in favour or against the Australian government restarting ministerial-level contacts with this government in Fiji?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Similarities between Australia and New Zealand
Thinking about the last ten years, do you think Australia and New Zealand have become more like each other, less like each other or have the differences stayed about the same?
Asked inImmigration and refugees
Skilled worker visas
When there are shortages of workers in Australia and companies in Australia cannot find enough skilled workers, are you personally in favour or against the government allowing in extra workers from foreign countries to come to Australia and fill those positions on short-term visas?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Special forces remaining in Afghanistan
Would you personally be in favour or against Australian special forces staying on in Afghanistan to work alongside US special forces in more limited counter-terrorism operations after major combat operations end?
Asked inUnited States
US soldiers based in Darwin
Would you be in favour or against allowing more US soldiers than the 2,500 limit to be based in Australia?
Asked in