
Of these, which would you say Australia should give highest priority to in its relationship with India?

Trade and investment 42Human rights in India 32Defence and regional security cooperation 20None of these 5Don’t know 1
  • Trade and investment
  • Human rights in India
  • Defence and regional security cooperation
  • None of these
  • Don’t know
All groups


In a new question this year, Australians were asked to rank as a high, medium, or low priority three different issues in Australia’s engagement with India. In a follow-up question, respondents were then asked which of the three Australia should give the highest priority.

Four in ten Australians (42%) say trade and investment should be the highest priority in the relationship with India. One-third (32%) say human rights should be the top bilateral priority, while only two in ten (20%) give defence and regional security cooperation top billing.


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