In 2011, 92% said agree when asked about it is dangerous for unauthorised asylum seekers to come to Australia by boat as they might be badly injured or killed during the boat trip.
I am now going to read you a few different arguments that have been made about unauthorised asylum seekers arriving here by boat. For each one please say whether you personally agree or disagree.
This question was
asked in
Compare different demographics, years, categories, and responses.
International treaty obligations mean Australia has to accept refugees regardless of how they arrive here
It is dangerous for unauthorised asylum seekers to come to Australia by boat as they might be badly injured or killed during the boat trip
The attention that the issue of unauthorised asylum seekers coming to Australia by boat receives is not justified by the relatively small numbers that arrive here by boat
Too much money is spent processing unauthorised asylum seekers that arrive by boat in detention centres
Unauthorised asylum seekers coming to Australia by boat are jumping the queue and getting in ahead of other asylum seekers wanting to come to Australia