Pacific Islands
21 questions match this tag. View the archive for more.
United States
Confidence in world leaders
How much confidence you have in the following leader to do the right thing regarding world affairs?
Relations in the Indo-Pacific
Influence in Pacific Islands countries
Now thinking about the Pacific Islands region. In your opinion, which one of these countries has the most influence in Pacific Islands countries?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Potential federal government policies on climate change
Would you support or oppose the following federal government policies?
Relations in the Indo-Pacific
Visa requirements for citizens of Pacific Islands countries
Would you support or oppose relaxing visa requirements for citizens of Pacific Islands countries to enable them to live, work and study in Australia?
Asked in
Questions from previous years
Relations in the Indo-Pacific
Australian relations with Pacific Islands countries
Now a question about the Pacific Islands. In your opinion are Australia’s relations with Pacific Islands countries improving, worsening or staying about the same?
Asked inRelations in the Indo-Pacific
Potential Chinese military base in the Pacific
To what extent are you concerned or not concerned about China potentially opening a military base in a Pacific Islands country?
Immigration and refugees
Immigration and national identity
Next, indicate whether the first statement or the second statement comes closer to your own views, even if neither is exactly right:
Australia and the Pacific
Australia’s climate policies and reputation
In your opinion, what effect, if any, has Australia’s approach to climate change had on its reputation in the world and on its relationship with Pacific Island countries?
Asked inImmigration and refugees
Attitudes to immigration
Thinking about immigration to Australia. Please say whether you personally agree or disagree with each of the following statements about immigration:
Australian foreign policy
Australia in the Pacific
Please say whether you personally agree or disagree with each of the following statements:
Asked inImmigration and refugees
Border protection and Australia’s reputation
In your view, do Australia’s border protection policies help, hurt or make no difference to its international reputation?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Future intervention in Pacific
If there is another major crisis in the Pacific, such as happened in the Solomon Islands in 2003, do you personally think Australia should ... ?
Asked inImmigration and refugees
Nauru and Manus Island policy
And now about asylum seekers currently in Nauru and Manus Island detention centres. For those asylum seekers who have been determined to be refugees, please say which one of the following statements most closely represents your own view.
Asked inUnited States
Admiration for world leaders
For each of the following leaders, please say whether you personally admire them a lot, admire them a little or you don't admire them at all.
United States
Global risk priorities for Australia
Do you see the following as a high, moderate, low or no risk to Australia's security in the next ten years?
Asked inAustralia and the Pacific
Broadcast services in the region
And are you personally in favour or against the Australian government funding broadcast services or other programs to communicate with people from countries in our region, with the aim of improving relations with those countries?
Asked inAustralia and the Pacific
Restarting dialogue with Fiji
Would you now personally be in favour or against the Australian government restarting ministerial-level contacts with this government in Fiji?
Asked inAustralia and the Pacific
Approach to Fiji sanctions
Which one of the following approaches do you think the Australian government should now take with the regime in Fiji regarding sanctions:
Asked inImmigration and refugees
Temporary migrant worker schemes
Temporary migrant worker schemes bring in foreigners to do seasonal unskilled work for limited periods. Thinking about Australia, please say whether you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with each of the following statements.
Asked in